My little turkey :)

More playing outside ...
Going to check the cows ...
I am so thankful the Lord has blessed me & Stephen with a precious daughter. Lily Kate brings so much joy to my life and I love being her mommy. She knows how to make me laugh with the cute little things she does as well as bring tears to my eyes when I realize how quickly she is growing up. I can't help but melt when those big, brown eyes with those long eyelashes look up at me and say "Momma." She is such a blessing to my life!
I am so thankful for my wonderful family - my godly parents & in-laws, brother & brothers/sister in-law, great grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins whom I love & cherish my time with.
I am so thankful the Lord has blessed me with a wonderful church with a great Pastor and great church family. I love being at Pleasant Acres and know that the Lord has great plans for us there. I love the youth group we get to work with and love the opportunity to help them find God's will for their life.
I am so thankful for awesome, godly friends that I can depend on for help & advice. I don't have a sister but the Lord has blessed me with sisters-in-Christ that I couldn't be more thankful for.
I am so thankful I am an American and have freedoms that so many people dream of.
I am so thankful for a home that I can feel safe and secure in and enjoy my family and friends in.
I am so thankful for the chance to get to be a stay-at-home mom. I don't ever want to take for granted the opportunity to get to be with my daughter everyday and have my house ready for my husband when he comes home from work.
My heart is so full of thanksgiving for the wonderful life the Lord has blessed me with. I know I could go on & on with so many more things. I hope that you & your family have a wonderful Thankgsiving and you can take some time to think about what you are thankful for!
Psalm 92:1 "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most high."