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Saturday, December 25, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Lily Kate is 23 Months!!!
Short little update on my big 23 month old ... with no pictures. :(
Lily Kate's newest thing is saying "Ooooo, that's pretty" or "Ooooo, that's funny" all the time! Last night we were at some friend's house and she had a thing of Vaseline and she told me it was pretty. :) She has loved our Christmas trees in our house. She asks for the light on as soon as we get home or as soon as she gets up in the morning. We have been working on potty training and she almost always tells me she has gone "potty" after the fact - so we are still working on that. She loves to sit on her potty but I'm thinking that's because she gets some candy afterwards. Ha! I can't wait until Christmas and seeing her reaction to all her toys. I feel like I'm a kid again because I'm so excited about it! :) I can't believe in 1 month I will have a big TWO year old!!
Lily Kate's newest thing is saying "Ooooo, that's pretty" or "Ooooo, that's funny" all the time! Last night we were at some friend's house and she had a thing of Vaseline and she told me it was pretty. :) She has loved our Christmas trees in our house. She asks for the light on as soon as we get home or as soon as she gets up in the morning. We have been working on potty training and she almost always tells me she has gone "potty" after the fact - so we are still working on that. She loves to sit on her potty but I'm thinking that's because she gets some candy afterwards. Ha! I can't wait until Christmas and seeing her reaction to all her toys. I feel like I'm a kid again because I'm so excited about it! :) I can't believe in 1 month I will have a big TWO year old!!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
A few classic Lily Kate stories ... :)
Lily Kate has done a few cute things lately that I wanted to make sure I blogged about so I could remember them ...
First of all - during her bathtime one night last week, I was washing her hair. Some of the suds from her shampoo got on her arm and she said, "Momma, momma, arm." It was like she was scared to death of what was on her arm ... so I told her to stick her arm in the water. So, she did and when she brought her arm up out of the water and there were no more suds she looked up at me with those big, brown eyes like she was in shock. It was so funny. She couldn't believe that the water had washed away all those suds.
First of all - during her bathtime one night last week, I was washing her hair. Some of the suds from her shampoo got on her arm and she said, "Momma, momma, arm." It was like she was scared to death of what was on her arm ... so I told her to stick her arm in the water. So, she did and when she brought her arm up out of the water and there were no more suds she looked up at me with those big, brown eyes like she was in shock. It was so funny. She couldn't believe that the water had washed away all those suds.

A couple of my favorite bath time pictures from last summer ...

About 2 am this morning, Lily Kate woke up crying for some reason. So, I went and got her and put her in the bed with me & Stephen. I feel back asleep but a few minutes later she woke me up asking me where Pop, Lalee, and Sadie were ... So we talked about that and then I closed my eyes to try to go back to sleep. About that time, Lily Kate sat straight up in the bed and said "BOO" about 5 times in a row. It was like she was trying to scare me & Stephen. I couldn't help but laugh. She's so funny.
Last night, I was trying to get Lily Kate's supper together so I could leave to go to church for Cantata practice. As always, I was running around like crazy trying to get 100 things done. So, I put Lily Kate's food on her tray and started to walk away and she said, "Momma, pray." I hadn't prayed over her food like we normally do. Talk about conviction!!!! It was such a reminder to me that even though we don't think Lily Kate is "getting it" or paying attention when we pray before meals, she knows that we are supposed to. Normally when we pray she will bow her head real low but take a few sneak bites while we pray. I have to be consistent in my walk with the Lord in ALL areas, not just for me & my spiritual growth, but so my little girl will realize that it is real to me. It is not just something that I live while we are at church or when we are with people from church.

Sunday, December 5, 2010
Flashback Friday (not on Friday): Getting our Christmas Tree-Then & Now
I LOVE getting ready for Christmas - all the decorations and Christmas lights and fun stuff you get to put out ... love it. (Now, taking it down and getting the house back together one month later, that's another thing ... ) So last year for Lily Kate's first Christmas, I knew that I wanted to get a "real" tree. One that smelled good and we got to go out in the cold and pick out - I loved it!
We were "in between" cars last year when we went to get out tree - Stephen had just sold his truck and my SUV had just been wrecked so, Stephen bought this hunter green Buick real cheap for us to drive until we got different vehicles. So, this was the only vehicle we had to put the tree on .... And I thought it was the funniest thing ever! I'm sure when Lily Kate gets older she will be so embarassed of these pictures but I loved it. I remember on the way home I kept on tell Stephen, "I hope this tree falls off the top of this car in the middle of the road because that would just make this night even funnier! I also love how the color of the tree & the color of the car is the same. Great memories!!

We got our tree in - yay!!

Posing in front of her tree in her room
Well ... we went last Thursday night to the same place to get our "real" tree again this year. I was, once again, so excited!! I couldn't wait to take pictures like we did last year and compare them and hopefully make it an annual event for our family. But, when I got home and started comparing them to last year's pictures I couldn't help but get tears in my eyes. I can't believe how much Lily Kate has changed and how I feel like we were just getting ready to celebrate her first Christmas, and here we are getting ready for her second Christmas.
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