** These pictures were uploaded from my phone so they are kinda fuzzy ... whenever I can find my hook up for my camera then I can upload more pictures **
Soooo.... I am so disapointed in myself for not doing better over the last couple of months updating my blog. Since Lily Kate turned two, her vocabulary has taken off!! I feel like when she turned two she started changing so much. It is so crazy to me to actually carry on conversations with my child and her speaking in sentences. I just love it. And I also have loved all the funny things she says!
We started her in her toddler bed the week she turned two and she has done GREAT!! When it is bedtime, me and Stephen always go in there with her and lay her down then we pray together. If we talk to her before we pray she will ask us to start praying. It's so sweet. She gotten into this thing recently where she doesn't want any covers on her so she will say, "Momma, no blankie on me." But, she does want the blankie on her bunnies she sleeps with.

She loves, loves, loves her classes at church. Once she turned two, she moved up to "class" not nursery and she loves going in there. She looks forward to seeing Mrs. Sharon, her Sunday school teacher, and asks for her often. She also loves her friends in her class (espically Noah). After class is always her "confession time." She will tell me all of her friends that she pushed or hit. And, if she got hit she will say, "_____ hit Kate."

Lily Kate still loves, loves Noah ... and of course his parents - Chip & Amy (Maymie). She asks about them all the time. They do have some competition now, though. She stayed with one of my best friends,
Julie, during our couples retreat at the beginning of March. Julie has two boys, Evan & Pierson, and Lily Kate LOVES their family. Since staying with them, she has asked to go to Juju's house everyday! When I tell her we can't she'll say, "Go to Juju's house another day?" (That's her favorite phrase, "another day")

I hate this pictures is so blurry ... I've got a better one on my camera. :)

Oh the joys of sticking your hand out the window! :)

Whenever I ask Lily Kate a question like, "Who wants to eat lunch?" or "Who is ready to go to church?" ... she will raise her hand and say "My do." We are working on those pronouns. But, it's so cute. :)

For the first two years of her life, Lily Kate never was a cuddly, snuggly, love-on-me all-the-time, kinda kid. But, she has gotten to be so loving recently. She asks me all the time "Mommy, holds me." I just love it. Whenever she gives us "love" she will pat our back and rub our back when she hugs us. It's so sweet. We've started making her say "Sorry" when she talks mean to someone or has an attitude or whatever. So, she will say "sorry" and then give us "love."

Lily Kate has started singing in booster band at church. She is so cute when she walks in because she looks up at me while I am playing the piano and says "Hey Momma!" and then she looks at all of her "friends" like Chip & Amy or the Paynes and tells them hey ... VERY loudly!! And of course, she always spots her Daddy & Preacher on the front row and tells them "hey." I will try to post a video of this "production" because it is just the cutest thing ever.

My little priss pot is growing up SO fast-I just can't believe it!
She brings us so much joy and we are so blessed to have her in our lives!