On May 6, my brother-Josh, Stephen's brother-Nathan, and my brother's fiancee-Juli, graduated from college at Southeastern. I already had planned for it to be an emotional day for me but finding out about Mom's cancer the day before made it even
more emotional! They graduated from the same college Stephen & I graduated from five years ago and there were so many memories that came with that day. I've always been the "overprotective" big sister and just thinking about my little brother graduation from college, getting married, and entering the "real" world is almost overwhelming. I was the sister that yelled at the kids in Little League baseball when their pitch hit my brother who was at bat ... I was the sister who asked my brother a million questions, making sure no one was being mean to him at school ... I was the sister who sat on the edge of my seat at all the soccer/basketball/baseball games while Josh was playing ... I was the sister who interrogated all the girlfriends and made sure they knew that they would answer to me if they hurt my brother ... I still am the sister who prays for my brother all the time and calls him often to give him all the advice I feel like he should have (whether he wants it or not :) ) I'm so thankful that Josh surrendered to the Lord's will and went to Southeastern. He had been working at a church in LaGrange (about 40 minutes from us) for two years and that is where he is going to continue to work. I'm so thankful he & Juli will be close to us and I know the Lord has great plans for their life.
It was even emotional for me to see Nathan graduate. I have to say, from the time I was introduced to Stephen's family, I've always felt like I belonged. They are such a blessing to me and I love them with all my heart. Nathan is so tender-hearted and compassionate and I just love being around him. He lived with us last summer while he interned at our church and I loved it. I can't wait to see how the Lord is going to use him.
I was so proud of Juli and being able to see her graduate. When I think how awesome it is that God brought her all the way from California to a little college in North Carolina and she ended up meeting my brother and will soon be his wife, it just amazes me. I always wanted a sister growing up ... the Lord already gave me a wonderful sister-in-law, Maria (Stephen's sister) and now I am getting another one! I am so thankful to have Juli in our family and look forward to spending many family vacations and holidays together and letting her and Uncle Josh babysit Lily Kate ALOT!! :)
We were so excited to get to see Stephen's family and to have them stay with us that weekend and to finally get to meet Juli's family from California. It was defiantly interesting trying to have a two year old sit through a graduation service but we had lots of arms to pass her around to. :)

I love Stephen's brother, David's face in this picture ... :)

Enjoying time with Grandaddy

Getting ready to get their diploma

Sitting with Lalee & Pop

Congrats Josh!!!!!

Your sister is so proud of the man you have become!!!

Way to go Nathan!!!!

We love you Uncle Nay Nay

Yay for Juli!!!!

You did great!!!!!

Josh & Juli

My wonderful family! :)

Josh & Juli with Papa & Gran

Josh & Juli with their nieces

My sweet Kimbrell family :)

All the kids ... we all have SO much fun together and I just LOVE it!!!

Me & my "little" brother ... I love him & I'm so thankful for the friendship we have!

SO thankful for the wonderful day the Lord blessed us with ... great memoires!!