I can't believe Lily Kate is 20 months today!! That puts her closer to 2 - and I can't even think about that yet!! Lily Kate is wearing size 5 shoe - size 4 diaper - 18 month clothes. She weighs 24 pounds. 
One of her new "tricks" is to imitate everything Sadie does. She loves to pant like Sadie & bark like Sadie. We had one of our teenagers come to the house the other day and Lily Kate was barking at him at the door just like Sadie does. Even though Lily Kate loves Sadie, the feeling isn't mutual. Sadie runs from Lily Kate - and then Lily Kate thinks Sadie is playing with her so she chases her. It's just too cute!
If I had a dollar for everytime I heard the word "snack" throughout a day I was be so rich! Haha! Lily Kate loves to walk in the kitchen and point to the snack bucket and say "snack, snack, snack" all day! I try to only give in once a day and let her eat a snack in the living room ... mainly because my little priss pot has turned into the pickiest eater. I've had laot of moms tell me it is a "phase" but I'm not enjoying this phase at ALL!
Lily Kate loves, loves, loves books. We read all day long - and then I let daddy take over when he gets home!
She loves calling the animals by the sounds they make, not their name. She loves to play in whatever room I'm working in - she does great playing by herself and I'm so thankful for that!
Lily Kate - I love you more than I ever dreamed I would and you bring so much joy to my life. Even though you have such a strong will & already know how to test my patience, I wouldn't change one thing about you. You already know how to make me & your daddy laugh so hard and I just love that! I love you - Momma
her little hair flips are too cute! we certainly don't have a picky eater over here. jocelyn will eat anything! and she would eat 24 hours a day if i let her.
ReplyDeletecan you believe it's only 4 months away until we're mommies of 2 year olds?!