On Christmas morning, we woke up at our house and had Christmas with our little family first. I was SO excited - I felt like a kid again. I got up early that morning and got all ready before Lily Kate got up because I wanted to be able to enjoy every minute of her getting into her toys. We already had everything laid out and ready for our little Priss Pot as soon as she got up.

Stephen's parents got Lily Kate the kitchen & shopping cart. We got her a few toys and clothes.

As soon as she saw her kitchen she went straight for the phone - I thought that was the funniest thing!!

It took her a while to ever want to look at any other presents. And after she opened them she just wanted to play with that one and didn't even think about the other ones she had to open ... except when it came to clothes. As soon as she opened her clothes she asked from another present and the look on her face was priceless as if she was saying, "Mom, are you kidding me? I thought I was supposed to get toys for Christmas!!"

She was SO excited about her cleaning stuff - she asks to help me clean ALL the time.

I couldn't get the broom & mop out fast enough for her and then she was in the kitchen cleaning ... that's my girl!! (We will see if this keeps up as she realizes that cleaning really isn't that fun!)

We took a little bit of time to skype with Stephen's family. It was so nice for them to get to see Lily Kate enjoying Christmas Day. They were actually getting snow in Alabama while we were talking to them! I was so jealous of their White Christmas!!

We headed over to my parents' house around 10:30 am. We've always spent Christmas Day with my Papa & Gran. My Mom is an only child so we don't have a big family to spend Christmas Day with. The plan was to let Lily Kate open her presents first, eat lunch, lay Lily Kate down for a nap, and then let everyone else open their presents while Lily Kate was napping. Everyone wanted to be able to enjoy watching Lily Kate open her presents so, we let her be the center of attention and open presents by herself. :)

She was just TOO cute!!

Another Pillow Pet ... yay!!!!


My sweet little family on Christmas!

Lunch was SSSOOO good!

i LOVE my husband!!

Yay for clothes for Christmas!!

Mom, Me, & Gran

Since Lily Kate had so many presents to open from my Parents & Papa and Gran, we decided to let her open her "big" present from Mom & Dad after lunch.

Mom had put all of Lily Kate's present from her & Dad in the car and as soon as Lily Kate took the blanket off the car she started throwing the present out trying to get in.

Please look at the JOY on that face ...

Yes, she is kissing the car!!! She had to open the rest of her presents while she was sitting in her car!!
I have to say, Christmas Day 2010 was probably my favorite day of being a parents besides the day Lily Kate was born. It was so, so much fun watching her open her presents and get so excited about things. I loved her reaction and expressions that she made. I'm so thankful for the wonderful Christmas that we had ... but most of all I'm thankful for the Savior who made it ALL possible!!!
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