We are so excited to announce Lily Kate is going to be a BIG sister!! Baby Kimbrell #2 is on its way - I am due May 8th. Since I am going to have a c-section, I will probably have the baby the week before but we will determine that date a little later. I found out I was pregnant on August 30th. I had been suspecting that I was pregnant for a few days and finally I went and got the test on the 30th and took it right away. I didn't even bother with the ones with "lines" ... I wanted to either see "pregnant" or "not pregnant."

After seeing "pregnant" I just sat on the floor and cried ... typically emotional pregnant lady! :) Of course I had to get in the car right away and go to tell Stephen. I cried the whole way to the church ... Lily Kate kept asking me, "Mommy, what's wrong?" I would tell her that I was ok and then she asked me, "Are you happy?" and I said that I was very happy. Even though Lily Kate didn't know what was going on, it was a special moment for me I hope to never forget. For months, I had planned all these different ways to tell Stephen I was pregnant ... but when it came down to it, I just walked in his office and held up the pregnancy test. Haha!! He was so excited too! And of course ... I cried some more! :)
Over the next week we told my parents and Papa & Gran, Stephen's parents, our siblings, and just a couple of close friends. I went to the doctor for the first time on September 12 and had an ultrasound and found out I was just 6 weeks along. We told more friends and family as well as our church family this past weekend. And ... most importantly, we told Lily Kate last night. I didn't want to tell her until we were ready for everyone to know because, let's face it, 2 year olds don't know how to keep secrets! :)
She doesn't even know how her world will be changing :) |
It probably wasn't the best night to tell her and it defiantly wasn't the "perfect moment" like I had planned out in my head for months but ... it was still so sweet. We had gotten home from going to Taco Bell with friends after church and Lily Kate was running a low grade temperature so she was laying in the bed with us ... Stephen told her that I was going to have a baby and then I told her I had a baby in my belly. She immediately said that the baby was a boy and named "Keke." When we told her she was going to be a "big sister" she said, "But, I am not a big girl, I'm still little." She then went on to talk about all the things she could do when she was a big girl ... like reach the cheetos and eat them all the time. Haha!!! She makes us laugh constantly and I can't wait to see how she will be with a little baby.
Such a little model :) |
I have been sssooo sick with this pregnancy. With Lily Kate I was very nauseated but I didn't throw up - this time I am constantly nauseated and throwing up almost daily. It has been a lot harder this time around ... BUT I am still so, so thankful for this little baby that the Lord has blessed us with. He has taught us so many lessons throughout the past year with my Mom and trying to have baby #2. And as always, He has been so faithful and reminded me over and over that HIS timing is perfect. Maybe I will be brave enough to post my baby belly progress ... I really want to keep up with things better. Hopefully I will begin to feel better and feel like actually being productive! :)
She makes me laugh :) |
"Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coing down from the Father of light, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow" James 1:17
Congratulations! Thankful for another blessing of life! so happy for yall!
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