On Thursday morning we left to go up to Southeastern for its annual Missions Conference. We always try to attend the conferences at the college and plus my Dad was preaching Thursday night and Friday. We only were able to be up there for services on Thursday because we had a youth activity on Friday that we needed to be back for. I know I may be biased but my Dad is such my favorite preacher (besides my husband ;) ) and I
always look forward to hearing him. He did such a great job on Thursday night. It was such a good reminder for me to remember that I am a missionary where I live and I need to be trying to reach people for Christ daily. I was also reminded to support the missionaries not just financially but prayerfully as well. Stephen & I were home missionaries right after we got married and went through some very difficult times - we needed the prayers of our supporters so much! I was reminded of that last night - the fact that, when I am praying for the missionaries I don't know what they are facing or what they are going through at that time. I'm thankful the Lord brought that to my attention and really convicted my heart in this area.
After the service Thursday night, we went to Chili's with my parents, my brother & his fiancee, the kids from our youth group, and my brother-in-law & his girlfriend. We had such a great time. First of all, I LOVE Chili's and it was great getting to spend time with people that I love SO much!!
Lily Kate coloring with Uncle Josh (my brother)

Lily Kate took over Juli's water :)

My brother, Josh, and his fiancee, Juli - they are getting married in July 2011
** I can't believe my brother is old enough to get married!!! **

Me with my wonderful parents - I love them and thank the Lord for the godly parents He has blessed me with!!

And of course ... Lily Kate was our entertainment for the night!! Whenever it is late & past her bedtime she gets SO hyper!! She is loving sitting beside Charles, a guy from our youth group ... she LOVES him and didn't have any problem remembering his name after not seeing him for a couple months!

Yes, that is my daughter flashing the world ... we were going through all the body parts and got to "belly" and this is what she did - she was LOVING the attention!

Acting silly with a straw in her mouth!

Me, Stephen, & Lily Kate with our kids & Nathan & Haley
I'm thankful for the little bit of time we got to spend with such special people in our lives. We are so blessed and I never want to take times like this for granted!!!