One year ago ....

my little brown-eyed ...

non-crawler ...

turned nine months.
And today ...
still knows how ...
to make me laugh ...
LilyKate is starting to wear size 6 shoe ... she weighs 25 pounds ... is so petite that I'm having a hard time finding 18/24 month clothes to fit her properly ... and is talking SO much!!
She has started saying her words so much more clearly this past month. Alot of the words up until this month she would say the first syllable but now she is saying the 2 syllable words so well! She also has learned to turn the door knobs so she can open the door this past month. Not cool!!! She wants to open & close the doors 1001 times a day and tell me "bye" like she's leaving. She loves playing in the sunroom and asks to go in there all day. Once she gets in the sunroom she wants to play the piano or sit on the couch and look outside at the dogs & birds. We sing all the time ... especially songs with motions and she will imitate whatever I do. But, the past few days whenever I start singing with her she will say "Momma, Momma" and try to say "Zaccheaus" because that is the only song she wants to sing right now. I've tried SO many other songs for her to like but right now she is stuck on "Zaccheaus." The past several days when she gets up from her nap she will ask for her daddy, then Pops, and then "Maymie" (Amy) and "Doah" (Noah). Pops, Amy, & Noah are her favorite people right now. I can't believe how much she is changing ...
Lily Kate - It seems like you have grown up so much over this past month. It's just a reminder to me of how quickly time goes and that I need to make each day count. I truly want to raise you the way the Lord would have me to and I pray that you will grow up to love God & serve others. I love you! Momma
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