Well .... It's been too long since I posted last - I've missed it! I could do different posts about our events but I've decided just to do one big one. Last Thursday night we went with some friends down to Mike's Farm. We left a little later than expected and it took over an hour to get there. So, by the time we got there, got some pictures, fed the goats, and ate it was dark and we didn't get to go on the hayride. I was SO disapointed. But, we still had a great night with some of our very best friends! And ... got a few cute pics of the kids too! :)
I know that she's mine but .... She is SSSOOO beautiful!! :)

Lily Kate and her "Doah" ... she LOVES her some Noah!

Lily Kate and her "Doah" ... she LOVES her some Noah!
Look at my little pumpkin :)

Me & My precious daughter - I just LOVE her!
On Monday afternoon, Lily Kate & I loaded up and went to Raleigh for a couple of days with Papa & Gran. Stephen was going to be out of town for staff retreat so I thought it would be a perfect time for us to go on a little trip. Papa had been talking about going up there since the summer but they really aren't able to drive that far by themselves so I was happy to get to take them. Papa & Gran moved down here from Raleigh about 8 years ago after living up there their whole lives. They still have so many friends that they wanted to see and visit with. And of course, we just happened to do a little bit of shopping while we were on our trip. Unfortunately, I didn't get many pictures because, well, honestly I felt like I was taking care of 3 kids at a time. It's not that Papa & Gran can't do for themselves but I was the one scheduling things and doing all the driving and decision making, etc. And, not to mention Lily Kate was SO bad on this trip ... I'll get to that in a minute. So, I just didn't get many pictures because I had other things to tend to.

Papa & Lily Kate resting while we were shopping in Crazy8 ... has anyone shopped there before because I LoVe it! :)
Papa & Gran with some of their friends (and yes, Lily Kate has her pacifier in her mouth in the middle of the day - I'll get to that in a minute too!)
Papa & Gran with Papa's best friend- Mr. Dwight (and yes, Lily Kate's shirt says sweet which it a TOTAL oxymoron of how she acted on this trip ...)
Friday morning we went to the library with Jenny & David and Rosa & Sophie. Since Stephen was home I got him to take a picture of me & Lily Kate. It seems like all of the pictures of her throughout her life are her either by herself or with some one besides me ... I really want to try to start taking pictures of us together!
Me & My precious daughter - I just LOVE her!
On Monday afternoon, Lily Kate & I loaded up and went to Raleigh for a couple of days with Papa & Gran. Stephen was going to be out of town for staff retreat so I thought it would be a perfect time for us to go on a little trip. Papa had been talking about going up there since the summer but they really aren't able to drive that far by themselves so I was happy to get to take them. Papa & Gran moved down here from Raleigh about 8 years ago after living up there their whole lives. They still have so many friends that they wanted to see and visit with. And of course, we just happened to do a little bit of shopping while we were on our trip. Unfortunately, I didn't get many pictures because, well, honestly I felt like I was taking care of 3 kids at a time. It's not that Papa & Gran can't do for themselves but I was the one scheduling things and doing all the driving and decision making, etc. And, not to mention Lily Kate was SO bad on this trip ... I'll get to that in a minute. So, I just didn't get many pictures because I had other things to tend to.
Papa & Lily Kate resting while we were shopping in Crazy8 ... has anyone shopped there before because I LoVe it! :)
I was so thankful to get to share this trip with my Grandparents. It truly meant so much to them and I know that it is something that we all will cherish. I drove their car and Papa sat in the front with me and so Gran was in the back with Lily Kate ... I laughed so many times at Gran trying to keep Lily Kate content and happy - she was reading to her and singing to her. It was just too cute ... and Lily Kate was loving every minute of it. Both mornings when Lily Kate woke up in the hotel room she was asking for Papa & Gran first thing! Such sweet memories!
Now ... on to Lily Kate's little attitude. Maybe some of you 3 moms out there reading my blog can help me. :) First of all, Lily Kate has basically been living off cheerios, fruit snacks, and raisins since Monday because she doesn't want to eat - ANYTHING!! Why?? Yes, yes, I know, it's a phase - she'll eat when she gets hungry ... and all of that yes, I know. BUT - WHY? haha! It's driving me crazy because all I can think about it her waking up in the middle of the night because her stomach is growling and she's hungry (even though she has still been sleeping fine) ... It really just drives me crazy! Also, she was asking for her pacifier this whole trip all the time - normally when we are at home it stays in her crib AT ALL TIMES and she only gets it at bedtime & naptime. But, of course, I just give in basically the whole trip because who wants to deal with a fussy, whiny baby while driving all over Raleigh/Durham visiting the elderly?! By Tuesday night when I talked to Stephen & then my mom I was declaring Lily Kate an only child for life and I was ready to stay at home until she turned 7! I guess I just get really stressed out by her sometimes and I need to learn how to handle things better. Now that I'm typing all of this out it sounds silly but at the time I felt like the worst Mom who had never disciplined her child and let them do whatever they wanted to 24/7. Does anyone else ever feel like this? I honestly pray everyday for wisdom in raising Lily Kate but sometimes I just feel like I'm not doing too good. Anyway ... hopefully I'm not the only one out there who can get frustrated with their children and maybe one day I'll be brave enough to start thinking about adding to our little family - maybe. :)
ReplyDeleteI have felt the same way too many times. Their have been days where all went wrong and I blame myself. Read my blog post about God in my heart and the verse will help encourage you like it did me. Love you
I definitely get stressed out by my testy, VERY strong-willed toddler and find myself giving in at times. But then when I do, it just makes it harder because I wasn't consistent! I know it's easier said than done though. I ALWAYS feel better and with a clear mind with what I have to do after prayer. Because of that, I really do like having my prayer time in the morning before he's up. Now, if only I could get him to sleep past 7:00...
ReplyDeleteI'll be praying for you!!
Obviously Lauren, you are not alone! Being a Mommy is hard work, especially one who desires to be a godly woman/Mommy. My "words of encouragement" are: You ARE a great Mommy, all of our kiddos have their "difficult" days because even though they are still little and basically "under our control" they still have their own little wills and sometimes that means bad attitude. Plus, as Mommies of little ones, we are still trying to figure things out ourselves. Each age brings another stage and just when we think we've got things figured out, they grow up just a bit more and surprise us once again. Frustrating, yes, but after reading your most recent post, also so rewarding. What a blessing that God gives us when even through the most frustrating, not able to understand or stick to our consistency times, God still bestows upon us grace and the love that we can't help but express towards our precious children.